Available in Unisex Crew Neck or Women's V-Neck
Sizes S-4X available
S-XL: $22.00
2X-4X: $24.00
Farnsworth Weekend is an energizing and informative event where you can learn new skills, games, songs, or just relax and have fun. New to Girl Scouts? Join us and meet other Girl Scout volunteers, share experiences, and exchange ideas. Bring a friend to share this experience!
The last day to process registrations was Friday, August 23. This deadline is necessary so that the organizers and presenters have adequate time to prepare for the weekend. Thank you for your consideration.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday are included in the cost for the full weekend. Two meals are included in the cost for those who only attend on Saturday; choose either breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner at registration. Meals will be served family style in the Dining Hall. Please indicate any dietary restrictions when you register for the event.
Friday dinner is not included, please plan to bring your own.
Sign up to stay overnight on either Friday and/or Saturday night. There will be no additional cost for staying overnight. You are welcome to bring your own tent if you prefer. Prior to the event, a more detailed confirmation will be mailed out to all participants which will include a link where you can select your sleeping accommodations. You will need to select a location for each night you are staying.
You can choose between the Bunkhouse, cabins, or tent units (or can bring your own tent). Priority for Bunkhouse will be given to those with medical and CPAP needs.
Camp Accomodations:
Camp Farnsworth Map
Troop Camping Guide
What to bring:
What to bring for workshops:
We have a limited selection of apparel available for ordering. Apparel can be ordered until August 12. We can not accept any orders after that date. We will NOT have any apparel available for purchase at the event.
All apparel is navy blue with sky blue ink.
We are excited to welcome back the Farnsworth Weekend Silent Auction. This has been such a fun event in past years, we are happy to offer it once again.
For our weekend participants, the auction will be available during the day on Saturday, with final bids immediately following the luncheon awards ceremony. Stop by throughout the day on your way to your workshops and bid often! We will post all auction winners on signage within the dining hall, and you can pick-up your items and pay before you leave for the day. All items must be taken that day, our staff is unable to transport or ship items out. Payment onsite can be cash, check or credit card.
For our auction donors, please let us know what you are donating prior to Farnsworth Weekend so that we can properly promote it and print a bid sheet. We will need name of the item, approximate value, and brief description. You can mail or drop-off items at our Bedford office, or bring your items with you and give to staff when you arrive. If you have any questions about donating items, please contact customercare@girlscoutsgwm.org.
Friday, September 6 | |
Arrival and Check-in | 5:00 PM |
Farnsworth Weekend Newcomer Orientation - Dining Hall |
7:00-8:00 PM |
Games and Socializing - Dining Hall |
7:00-11:00 PM |
Campfire |
8:00 PM |
Saturday, September 7 | |
Arrival and Check-in | 7:30-9:00 AM |
Opening Flag Ceremony | 7:45-8:00 AM |
Breakfast | 8:00-8:45 AM |
Session A | 9:00-11:15 AM |
Session I | 9:00-10:00 AM |
Session II | 10:15-11:15 AM |
Lunch | 11:30 AM-12:15 PM |
Volunteer Recognition Reception | 12:15-1:15 PM |
Session B | 1:30-3:45 PM |
Session lll | 1:30-2:30 PM |
Session IV | 2:45-3:45 PM |
Session C | 4:00-6:15 PM |
Session V | 4:00-5:00 PM |
Session VI | 5:15-6:15 PM |
Checkout and Departure | 6:15-6:30 PM |
Closing Flag Ceremony | 6:15 PM |
Dinner | 6:45-7:30 PM |
Campfire | 8:00 PM |
Games and Socializing - Dining Hall | 9:00-11:00 PM |
Sunday, September 8 | |
Unit Kapers | All Morning |
Flag Ceremony | 8:00-8:15 AM |
Breakfast | 8:15-9:00 AM |
Session VII | 9:30-11:30 AM |
Cleanup and Departure | 11:30 AM |
We reserve the right to cancel workshops due to low enrollment or other circumstances.
Please note that when registering, be sure to click on both the Session Time and the workshop within the session time when making your selections (2 clicks per timeslot).
Going Global!
Did you know that there are 10.8 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 153 countries across the world? This workshop provides a brief overview of our global organization, WAGGGS, and then offers engaging, interactive demos to sample curriculum and activities that can be used with your Girl Scouts!
Presenter: Stefanie Argus, Lilit Chilingaryan, and Abigail Haresign
Introduction to Zentangle©!
Anyone can be an artist! The Zentangle© Method combines mindfulness and simple strokes to create stunning non-representational, aka abstract, art pieces. The Zentangle© Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. This method also incorporates mindfulness, gratitude, and appreciation. This workshop will be led by a Certified Zentangle Teacher, CZT. You can discover your inner artist or refine your already developed art skills. No previous skills are required, all are welcome! It is important to start with the right supplies, please bring $8 to pay the CZT for your take-home starter kit.
Presenter: Ursula Stanley
Let's Go On a Hike!
Let’s take a hike to Seven Gables, one of Camp Farnsworth’s two primitive sites. This will be a moderate walk with some uphill walking, and some muddy areas. We will meet up at Sky Meadow, and will return along the lake, ending at the Program Center. Please bring a backpack with water and a snack, and layer-up in case of a change in New England weather! Please note that there is no running water out at Seven Gables.
Presenter: Sue DiSalvo
Magical Miniatures
This workshop is full of charming Harry Potter crafts even Muggles can make! We are back again this year, bringing old favorites and some new miniature crafts from 3 different areas: potions, papercrafts, and 3-D ornaments. All easy to do from low-cost materials.
Presenters: Patty Levesque and Cassie Levesque
Did you ever want to try your hand at using power tools? Come vist the woodshop and make a useful take-home project (different than prior years). Bring work gloves and safety glasses. There is a $15 additional charge for this workshop.
Presenter: Camp Staff
Alcohol Ink Tiles
Create custom ceramic tiles using alcohol ink dyes. Dyes have an isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol base and can be manipulated in fascinating and unpredictable ways when mixed with other liquid mediums and applied to a nonporous surface. Make two tile coasters to take home.
Presenter: Sue Rochford
Archery: Beginner Level
Learn archery fundamentals and safety while testing your skills! Practice proper form, learn to score the sport, and try a friendly competition.
Presenter: Camp Staff
Free Time
It’s your choice: sleep, read a book, sit in the sun, chat with friends, take a walk, etc.
Presenter: You!
Fun with Pie Irons
What is a pie iron and how do I use it? Come join us and experience the fun and versatility of pie iron cooking on a campfire, including how to clean and season your pie iron and some basic recipes. Come join us for a hot treat, conversation and fun with pie irons!
Presenter: Jesse and Tara Pacht
Make an Easy Infinity Scarf
An infinity scarf is a popular fashion item. The scarf is a large, closed loop of fabric that can be worn in a variety of trendy ways. They can be made from a variety of fabrics from light gauze material to fluffy faux fur. In less than an hour you will make a scarf that can be worn for the rest of the weekend! We will talk about how to make both adult and children size scarves. This is a great easy sewing project for your girls to accomplish. You will purchase a precut lightweight fabric kit from the instructor for $10.
Presenter: Joanne Dickie
Seaglass Art
Use sea shells, sea glass, and sand to make a piece of art work on a glass frame. Bring shells, sea glass, and driftwood you have collected or use what is supplied. Resin will be used to attach pieces to glass. You will take home a finish framed glass piece.
Presenter: Kim Lemear
Archery: Beginner Level
Learn archery fundamentals and safety while testing your skills! Practice proper form, learn to score the sport, and try a friendly competition.
Presenter: Camp Staff
Escape Room Adventure
Test your wits with a series of themed escape room puzzles. Solve puzzles, find clues, and have fun - then learn a little about how to create an escape room for your troop (or family and friends!) with a handy take home guide.
Presenter: Janet Whatmough and Tara Lagasse
Free Time
It’s your choice: sleep, read a book, sit in the sun, chat with friends, take a walk, etc.
Presenter: You!
Fun with Pie Irons
What is a pie iron and how do I use it? Come join us and experience the fun and versatility of pie iron cooking on a campfire, including how to clean and season your pie iron and some basic recipes. Come join us for a hot treat, conversation and fun with pie irons!
Presenter: Jesse and Tara Pacht
Gimp Wrap Bracelet
Learn to make a gimp wrapped cuff bracelet with gimp/plastic lacing. Materials will be provided but feel free to bring your own plastic lacing if you want specific colors or fancy effect lacing. A great craft to bring back to your girls!
Presenter: Elizabeth Krah
New Leader Orientation
Learn all about what to do in your first year of leadership! We'll walk you through the troop packet, the Girl Scout Experience box, finances, and more. There will be a Q&A at the end of this session.
Presenter: Amanda Powell
Pine Cone Wreaths
Learn how to put together a beautiful wreath with white pine and other cones for a natural looking and long lasting wreath or centerpiece. Great way to use the abundance of pine cones we have see this year!
Presenter: Joan DeYoreo
Pool Water Aerobics
Want to get your blood pumping, work off a few calories, and have some fun? Join us in Camp Farnsworth’s heated salt-water pool for an enjoyable an easy water aerobics session with exercises set to music. Being in a pool is always splashy fun!
Presenter: Vera Kirk
Hand Stitched Wool Applique
Learn the basics of hand stitching wool applique. Make a beautiful block that can be turned into a wall hanging, pillow, hot pad, or the start of a quilt. Hand stitching would be great to teach to your troops.
Presenter: Jen Wiley
Mandala Painting
You don't have to be an artist to do mandala art painting. The beauty of mandala painting goes beyond the mesmerizing colors and dots; the technique of mandala painting, rooted in a rich history, is also proven to relax the body and mind. Give the dot mandala technique a try. Mandalas can be painted on any object: canvas, rock, wood panel, or even thick card stock. We will make a simple project in this workshop.
Presenter: Deb Rossi
Did you ever want to try your hand at using power tools? Come visit the woodshop and make a useful take-home project (different than prior years). Bring work gloves and safety glasses. There is a $15 additional charge for this workshop.
Presenter: Camp Staff
Creating Your Inclusive Troop Environment
Learn how to create an inclusive, girl-led space, embracing troop diversity and understanding how the role of the troop leader sets this framework. You will also have an opportunity to practice using inclusive and equitable language to support the identities of all Girl Scouts and foster a cohesive troop environment.
Presenter: Amanda Powell
Easy Chocolate Treats
Chocolate Lovers, this workshop is for you! Learn how to make, dip, and decorate Oreo truffles. Explore ways to use molds to create favorites like peanut butter ups, chocolate covered cherries, and chocolate lollipops. You get to keep everything you make!
Presenter: Amanda Olyha Ferreira
Fall Product Sale Training
Open to all volunteers wishing to participate with their troop in the Fall Product Sale. This is especially for new leaders or volunteers newer to the program. Topics cover navigation of the online platform, program theme, and program timeline.
Presenter: Robin Boyd, Lauren Willett, and Todd Wingen
Free Being Me
Imagine a world where no one is worries about the way they look or who they are. The World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts and Dove work towards this incredible vision through the Free Being Me (FBM) Program. Learn about the FBM program, participate in hands-on activities, and then learn how your Girl Scouts can achieve the FBM badge!
Presenter: Abigail Haresign
Free Time
It’s your choice: sleep, read a book, sit in the sun, chat with friends, take a walk, etc.
Presenter: You!
Fun with Fabric - Gift Wrappers and Bags
Are you tired of ending up with trash bags full of used gift/Christmas and other holiday wrap. Start a tradition with reusable gift wrappers. Use our resources wisely! Pick your own favorite fabrics and sew the edges, then learn how to tie your packages for a festive look. Also, learn how to make a simple bag for shopping.
Presenter: Joan DeYoreo
Pellet Rifle Training - Beginners
Our shooting range allows participants to learn and practice riflery skills using .177 caliber pellet rifles under the guidance of range-trained staff. Basic firearms safety and marksmanship training will be covered.
Presenter: Steve Boyd
Waterfront: Boating
Try out different kinds of boating on Lake Abenaki. Practice your canoe fundamentals, then paddle out to explore Lake Abenaki at your own pace, or learn to balance and steer, then explore the coves of Lake Abenaki by paddleboard. Workshop is first-come first-serve on type of boat. Sign up for more than one session to try both!
Presenter: Camp Staff
Campfire Songs and Games
Who doesn't remember the nostalgic days of singing songs and playing games by the campfire. So come join us for a fun time as we share our knowledge of songs and games while spreading Girl Scout cheer! You will have great ideas to bring back to your troops.
Presenter: Lexi Gregory and Terri Matott
Free Time
It’s your choice: sleep, read a book, sit in the sun, chat with friends, take a walk, etc.
Presenter: You!
How Did We Get Here?
Ever wonder when people first came to North America? How humans got to the British Isles? Did Neanderthals and humans exist at the same time? How did we build the pyramids? The answer to all these questions and much more awaits! This workshop introduces the why's, how's and what's of why archeology is fascinating! Why it's something that should be talked about, what we can stand to learn from it still, and why it's something that we'll always need. Note: see the Dig the Past workshop to try your hand at an archeology dig!
Presenter: Jade DeYoreo
Lost But Found, Safe and Sound
Come learn earn simple techniques and supplies you should always have on hand when venturing into the great outdoors and how to teach your girls what to do if they become lost in remote areas such as parks or forests.
Presenter: Debbie Payne
Pellet Rifle Training - Beginners
Our shooting range allows participants to learn and practice riflery skills using .177 caliber pellet rifles under the guidance of range-trained staff. Basic firearms safety and marksmanship training will be covered.
Presenter: Steve Boyd
Torch It! Beginner Woodburning
This workshop will focus on beginner's woodburning projects. With this technique we will be using Torch paste to chemically burn images into wood with a heat gun. The process has no smell. We'll be making ornaments and signs to take home.
Presenter: Patty Levesque and Cassie Levesque
Troop Travel
This informative session is required for anyone that is looking to take their troop on a trip of one night or longer. You will learn how to on how to plan and prepare fort he trip, as well as learn about the necessary paperwork that must be completed before and after the trip. This training will also cover budgeting, behavior contracts, and specific requirements for domestic vs. international travel.
Presenter: Amanda Powell
Waterfront: Boating
Try out different kinds of boating on Lake Abenaki. Practice your canoe fundamentals, then paddle out to explore Lake Abenaki at your own pace, or learn to balance and steer, then explore the coves of Lake Abenaki by paddleboard. Workshop is first come, first served on type of boat. Sign up for more than one session to try both!
Presenter: Camp Staff
Basket Making: Sarah's Wedding Basket
Make a simple woven "vase" of flat reed to enclose a mason jar. Bring a regular (~2 1/2 gal) bucket or larger, scissors, and towel. You can bring a jar of your own if you want, but a mason jar will be provided for each participant.
Presenter: Karen and Elizabeth Krah
Dig the Past
Ever want to solve a cold case like a modern day Sherlock Holmes? Learn how scientists figure out how people lived with just the clues that remain behind once those people are gone. We are learning the basics of archeology! Wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty as there will be dirt! You will love doing these activities with your troops! Note: see the How Did We Get Here Workshop? for some more background on archeology.
Presenter: Jade DeYoreo
For Chocoholics Only!
Make and enjoy some indulgent chocolate treats that can be made while camping. Learn tricks and tips for making decadent truffles, candies, and desserts you can make with your troop (or just for yourself!). Weather permitting we will explore solar cookers and box ovens to make and share more chocolate joy (note: most recipes include dairy).
Presenter: Jenny Clark
Make a Macramé Plant Hanger
Love tying knots? Come learn the basics of macramé and the different designs you can make. Macramé is a versatile style of art that you can use to make anything from jewelry, to bags/purses, to plant hangers and more! Create a basic, but beautiful plant hanger to take home with you.
Presenter: Margo Houde
Outdoor Cooking - Buddy Burners
Come put your cooking skills to the test. Learn how to make a buddy burner (out of recycled materials) and then make a snack on your new burner! Also make some fire starters to take home.
Presenter: Lexi Gregory and Terri Matott
Silk Screening Basics
Ever want to make your own troop T-shirts for a special occasion or event, or maybe make items to sell? Learn simple techniques to silk screen your own designs.
Presenter: Katie McGarry
For the Birds!
Let's feed the birds. We will create birdseed ornaments that can be hung on trees outside to decorate for the holidays while at the same time feed the birds. We will make mason jar lid ornaments and pine cone ornaments. Great activity for all age groups and can even be applied to Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Challenge and other badges.
Presenter: Joanne Dickie
Free Time
It’s your choice: sleep, read a book, sit in the sun, chat with friends, take a walk, etc.
Presenter: You!
GSGWM Alumnae Book Club Meeting
Have you heard about the GSGWM Alumnae Book Club? Several members of the Alumnae Assoc have been meeting monthly via Zoom for almost 3 years now to read and talk about books. Members decide on the book selection and we have explored several genre. This is a great opportunity to get into a regular reading routine, meet and talk with alumnae and maybe try some reading selections outside your normal reading material. The book that will be discussed will be The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. Come see what it is all about!
Presenter: Shanna Bertrand
Kitchen Chemistry Fun
Using everyday materials you can find in your kitchen; you will try some exciting hands-on activities that you can do with your Girl Scouts. Activities will supplement and extend badge requirements.
Presenter: Debbie Payne
Waterfront: Boating
Try out different kinds of boating on Lake Abenaki. Practice your canoe fundamentals, then paddle out to explore Lake Abenaki at your own pace, or learn to balance and steer, then explore the coves of Lake Abenaki by paddleboard. Workshop is first come, first served on type of boat. Sign up for more than one session to try both!
Presenter: Camp Staff
Farnsworth Weekend Quilters - 2024 Quilt Block Exchange
Do you quilt or do you want to learn how to make a quilt block? Join us as we showcase quilts from last year’s Farnsworth exchange and discuss this past years exchanges. We will decide upon theme, colors, and other details. Ultimately, each participant will create unique and individualized quilt blocks to exchange with other participants. You will end up with enough quilt blocks to create your own wall hanging or quilt — or be creative and use them for a different purpose! For those who have never sewn quilt blocks before, there will be a demonstration on how to cut and sew fabric into the block chosen for this year's exchange. You will be making your quilt blocks at home for exchange at a later date (around March 2025).
Presenter: Joanne Dickie
Free Time
It’s your choice: sleep, read a book, sit in the sun, chat with friends, take a walk, etc.
Presenter: You!
Glass Etching
Learn how to decorate glassware with beautiful etching designs. We will be using an etching cream to create a unique etched glass piece and discuss safety while doing this craft. All supplies needed will be provided. Eye protection (glasses or safety glasses) is recommended.
Presenter: Reneé Gosselin
Think Inside the Box!
Learn to make three dimensional boxes for your next celebration be it a badge presentation, leader thank you, birthday gift, or holiday card.
Presenter: Patty Levesque and Cassie Levesque
What is the GSGWM Alumnae Association?
Come learn about the GSGWM Alumnae Association and the Alumnae Advisory Board. Girl Scout alums are adults who are, or ever have been, a registered member of Girl Scouts. Alumnae Association activities have included workshops, networking events, travel opportunities, wine tastings, volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, and more! Provide your input and ideas on GSGWM Alumnae Association activities to have fun while continuing to discover new things, connect with fellow Girl Scout alums, and provide service to girls, the council, and the community at large.
Presenter: Shanna Bertrand
Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms
In this workshop we will prepare and taste dishes made with an assortment of mushrooms with nutritional and medicinal benefits. Participants will also learn about the health benefits of mushrooms.
Presenter: Reneé Gosselin
Foraging for Beginners - Can I Eat That?
Foraging can become a life-long activity that will help you become familiar with plants in almost any environment! Learn how to recognize what is edible and what's not, where and when to look. Samples will be provided. By the end of this workshop you should feel comfortable enough to forage for some plants on your own
Presenter: Joan DeYoreo
Free Time
It’s your choice: sleep, read a book, sit in the sun, chat with friends, take a walk, etc.
Presenter: You!
Kawandi Inspired Small Quilts
The traditional Kawandi is a hand-stitched quilt, made from scrap fabric, including old saris and are made from pieces of old cloth or worn-out clothing sewed entirely by hand.
Presenter: Tara Pacht
Let's Do a 5K!
Come join us for a dirt road walk or run! A 5K route that starts at Camp and goes along Mud Pond Road will be indicated with cones, self time, go your own speed and desired distance. Be sure to wear running/walking appropriate sneakers, weather appropriate clothing, and hydration.
Presenter: Katelyn Hudson
Making Yummy Baked Goods When Camping
Ever wish you could make muffins or biscuits, bake cupcakes or cookies when you're camping? It's very possible to have fresh baked goods, sweet or savory, at your next campout. Come learn about box oven cooking. Bring a large box, a roll of aluminum foil, and some masking tape and we'll show you how to make and use your own oven, which you will take home. And yes we will have some yummy treats!
Presenter: Chris Haswell, Debbie Payne, and Gail Logan
Needle Felting for Beginners
Needle felting is an exceptionally addictive craft that you'll find surprisingly simple to begin with. It's easy to grasp the basics, environmentally friendly, and offers endless creative possibilities. In this workshop we will learn the basics of needle felting using barbed needles, a mat, and wool to create a 3-D felt piece.
Presenter: Kim Lemear
Pasta and Cheese Making
Who does not love a good pasta meal, and homemade, yum! Join Cassandra "Strings" Jillson in making a pasta dish from scratch! You'll also learn how to make fresh ricotta, which you will then use to fill ravioli. Ravioli can be taken home or enjoyed at the workshop.
Presenter: Cassandra "Strings" Jillson
Simple Compass Games
Learning how to use a compass is a skill that everyone who enjoys the outdoors will find useful and can be essential if you walk in isolated areas or in more challenging conditions. Come learn some games and activities designed to teach your girls how to use a compass.
Presenter: Katie McGarry
Time with Tricia
Spend time with our council’s CEO and provide input on council efforts and future strategy. GSGWM is implementing long-range property plans, updating our strategic direction, and making decisions for our future. Learn the latest status on efforts and be part of the process! Questions welcome.
Presenter: Tricia Mellor