1. Give your initial order card to your leader by the date given to you. It will be before January 21. Or, enter your initial order into your MyCookies tab in Digital Cookie.
2. Check with your leader when to pick up your delivery. It will be between February 1-9.
3. Promptly deliver your cookies. If they were not paid for through Digital Cookie, collect payments and turn in to your leader as soon as possible. Your troop might set up a date in addition to your troop meetings just to turn in money.
4. Continue to take orders in person and on Digital Cookie.
5. After January 22, if you approve online orders for Girl Delivery, tell your leader. They will need to acquire those cookies for you. Your leader will need to issue them to you. (there are no additional delivery days)
6. Deliver your additional orders. Again, if you collect payments, turn those in to your leader as soon as possible.
7. Discuss with your troop about the opportunities to conduct booth sales! They are fun and a great way for your troop to continue to earn proceeds for all your troop activities.