Grades 1-12
Do you want to learn about the media and storytelling? Are you interested in understanding how the media can be used to share your Girl Scout pride? Then join the Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountain Media Team!
Both girl and adult members are welcome to join the team, where you will have opportunities to do social media posts, photo shoots, and speak in front of a camera or microphone – and then you get to see yourself in print, online, or on the air. As a member of the team, we will call upon you when opportunities arise to appear at media events or participate in our publicity efforts. Fill out our Media Team application so we will know you are available for these opportunities.
Those who want to take their skills to the next level are invited to take part in the Media Team patch program, where you will experience being a roving reporter, take photos, write a press release, speak on air, interview people, and be a social media influencer. Earn the patch for your level.
If you have any questions about the Media Team, please contact Customer Care at or 888-474-9686.
Media Team Information Brochure
Media Team Patch Program