Patch Programs | GSGWM

Patch Programs

Discover the importance of apples in our lives, connect to local farmers and orchards and take action by finding ways we can make a difference in our community with what girls learn!

Girl Scouts are natural-born scientists. Learn how biology and fabrication come together to build something that is alive! How can we use creative and innovative ways to help people who are sick, get hurt, or just need extra help? Can we help a person who needs a new heart? Scientists are combining biology and manufacturing to do just this.

When you have earned this patch, you will have an understanding of what biofabrication is, how it works, and what it may do for us in the future.

ARMI/BioFabUSA Biofabrication Patch Curriculum and Evaluation
Biofabrication Patch Order Form


Ghostly Heart Kits

Try the Ghostly heart Experiment from the patch program curriculum at a troop meeting. Borrow one of GSGWM's experiment kits and be amazed!

Contact Customer Care at or 888-474-9686 to reserve one. 

This patch program will help you “Be Your Best” while you Discover, Connect and Take Action to help an organization that helps others (i.e. animal shelters, American Red Cross, Salvation Army, nursing homes, etc.) Plan your own activities to bring out the best in each of you.

Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains is excited to introduce our partnership with Fidelity Investments! Together, we’ve created the Fidelity Investments “Let It Grow” Investment Patch Program so that girls can make the world a better place.

The Fidelity Investments “Let It Grow” Investment Patch Program introduces Girl Scouts to investing for their future. When girls start the program, they receive a Fidelity Investments “Let It Grow” patch. The program allows girls to grow from Daisy through Ambassador, earning a new patch bar with each age level. Girls may start earning patch bars at any age level.

Introduction to "Let it Grow"

Thinking About My Future (D/B/J)

Investing in Others (D/B/J)

Investing in Business (D/B/J)

Investing in Home (C/S/A)

Investing in College (C/S/A)

Investing in Retirement (C/S/A)

"Let It Grow" Paper Patch Order and Evaluation Form

Online Evaluation and Patch Order

Girl Scouts is joining forces with the Elliott Wildlife Values Project, American Forests, and SciStarter to launch a bold environmental and conservation initiative in April 2021. Girl Scouts is setting out to plant 5 million trees in five years and to protect and honor new and existing trees. Not only is this great for wildlife, it will mitigate climate change and benefit our communities.

Girl Scouts everywhere are being called to help by planting, protecting, and honoring trees in their backyards, camps, communities, and states—across the country and even across the world. From Daisy through Ambassador Girl Scouts to adult members and partners, every member and friend of the Movement Is being asked to join. Five million trees is A LOT of trees, but TOGETHER we can do it! 

Before you can plant, protect, or honor trees, you need to find out how trees help the environment. In this way, you will be better equipped to act as an environmental steward who makes a difference. Earn this patch by completing activities on your own, with your troop, or with your family. Take a photo and submit on social media tagging @girlscoutsgwm #gstreepromise #gsgetoutdoorsmore.

2024 Activity Guide
Guía de actividades 2024

Is your troop ready to reach new heights? Ready to explore to the top? Are they the pinnacle of the Girl Scout experience? Earn our “High Altitude Troop” patch this year!

This patch should fit comfortably into your troop’s year plan of Girl Scout activities and can be earned by doing activities like the cookie program, bridging, and service projects that would already be part of your year. All activities are based on what research shows makes a successful troop that offers girls and volunteers a high-quality Girl Scout experience. 

Patch Order Form

The sugaring season is a wonderful part of Vermont and New Hampshire culture. Complete activities to explore the history of maple sugaring and find out the secrets to making the “sweet stuff”!

Troop leaders can use these conflict resolution guides to help troop members identify bullying and conflict, understand how it can affect them, and educate them in how to develop and navigate healthy friendships.

Daisy Guide

Brownie Guide

Junior Guide

Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Guide

Learn about the effects of cold temperatures and snow, especially in New England, as you choose and complete activities to earn this fun winter patch.
Help us celebrate our founder Juliette Gordon Low with our Year in the Life of Juliette Patch Series! Do a new challenge every month or do them any time, in any order.
Learn to recognize your own true beauty, build confidence, and understand how the media can misrepresent beauty. Complete activities designed by a Gold Award Girl Scout to learn how you can be a good friend to yourself and others, and learn practices to reduce stress.
Change starts with you! Discover how to step up, speak out, and be the voice for an issue you believe in. Complete activities designed by a Gold Award Girl Scout to learn how to be an advocate in your community as you work toward making the world a better place.
Learn how to be an ally to the LGBT community and be a sister to every Girl Scout. Complete activities designed by a Gold Award Girl Scout to learn about the rainbow of gender identities and make the world a better place by understanding all people.
With this patch program designed by a Gold Award Girl Scout, learn to identify what anxiety is, how it feels in your body, and develop positive coping strategies. Girl Scouts from kindergarten through 12th grade can follow steps to learn what stress, worry, and anxiety feel like, and actively address their worries by creating a coping skills toolbox and sensory tools like fidget toys.