Does my child need to be a Girl Scout to attend Girl Scout camp?
Your child will become a registered Girl Scout when signing up for camp, but they do not have to have previously been a member to participate. The Girl Scout membership year is October 1 through September 30 so you can choose to participate in other Girl Scout programming throughout the year if you wish.
Do you offer financial assistance?
Yes. Camp can be paid for using earned Program Credits earned through the Girl Scout Cookie program or you can request financial assistance. Fill out our Camp Payment Request Form to request earned Program Credits be applied to your camp order, or to request camp financial assistance.
My camper is considering overnight camp for the first time, how can I help prepare her for the experience?
Progression of programs (Family or troop weekend, frolic and then a one-week program, visit camp for open house, attend chats to ask questions, have her help pack and prepare, send letters. Practice with overnight at a grandparent's house. Let the camper know that missing home a little is normal and that you can’t wait to hear about all the fun things she does at camp.
What happens at Girl Scout camp?
Campers enjoy a full day packed with fun activities, new experiences, and will make many memories. A typical day at day camp consists of themed activities, Gaga ball, target sports like archery and slingshots, and at Kettleford, swimming and boating. The day starts with singing and a flag ceremony. You’ll then head to your unit shelter with your counselors and unit mates to start the day. You will be outside most of the day. You will make decisions as a group to determine what your day will look like. There will be time for active games and quieter activities as well as snacks and lunch you bring from home. Most of your time will be spent with your unit (a group based on the program theme you sign up for and your grade), but several times a week the whole camp will come together for fun activities. Units will also have the opportunity to learn fire building and cook a snack or meal over the fire. You might hike, build a fairy home, try a new craft or put on a skit. A typical day at overnight camp consists of breakfast, specialty program time, camper choice activities, lunch, dinner, and an all-camp activity. There will be time for active games, swimming, boating, Gaga ball, and target sports.
Can my camper be in the same unit as her friend?
Yes! While we want campers to meet new people, campers can request to be in the same unit as a friend. Make sure both campers are signed up for the same week and program and add each other’s information on the Health History Form.
Why should I send my child to Girl Scout camp?
Girl Scout camp is a great opportunity to explore new things, embark on adventures, and meet tons of great friends. Our programming builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. While campers are enjoying fun camp activities, they will also learn to be leaders and changemakers. They will be encouraged to learn new skills while having fun doing it in a safe and nurturing environment.
What activities are available at Girl Scout camp?
We offer arts and crafts, ecology and nature, team building, cooking and more. At Camp Kettleford, campers get to swim and boat in the lake and at Camp Farnsworth, they can swim in the pool or lake, paddleboard, and canoe. We also have target sports like slingshots, archery, and Airsoft at all our camp locations and hatchet-throwing at camps Seawood and Farnsworth.
What should be left at home when packing for camp?
We want our campers to unplug and enjoy nature and their friends. We ask that campers do not bring cell phones, portable video games, tablets, and laptops. Please also leave pocket knives, matches, lighters, candles, tobacco, marijuana, and anything expensive or irreplaceable at home.
How is my camper kept safe?
Camp staff must complete a background check upon hiring and are thoroughly trained in keeping campers safe. They practice emergency drills for severe weather and intruders before the camp season begins. Staff follow the Girl Scout Safety Activity Checkpoints (link to doc), and we require at least two staff members to be present in each unit. All our camps are inspected and licensed in their respective states to ensure they meet the required safety standards.